Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big Grips iPad Case

Welcome to my first product review! One of the main reasons I began my blog was to talk to other parents and find great products that I might not have found out about otherwise. In full disclosure, I have approached these companies and asked to test their products. Some have ignored me, some have sent me samples, and some have sent me not only a product to test, but a product to giveaway! Big Grips is one of those companies and I am so excited to give you my incredibly valuable opinion on this awesome product!

As some of you recall, my dinner dates have changed drastically since the birth of T. I have decided to let him watch a movie if we are out and he is getting restless, and for that to happen I need to make sure my lil iPad is fully protected! I read about this company online and instantly fell in love with the chunkiness of the case. I am one of those people who thinks size matters, the bigger the better and all that jazz, so the fat, foamy case is right up my alley! Especially when a 14 month old will have his hands all over it.

I will admit- I had a hard time getting the case on. I think this might be a testament to my abilities more than the actual product though because Big Poppa was able to snap it on, no problem!

Once it was on, I put it to the test. Even though I trust this case, I was a little nervous to hand it over to a baby so we started on the carpet. I had no qualms about him throwing it down and loved how easy it was for him to grip since it was so thick. Added bonus- since his hands are so small, they were only able to hold the case. This means he didn't inadvertently grab the screen so that was nice!

(This would have never happened before I had a case I could trust!)

Since I trust myself a little bit more than him, I took it to the wood floor to test. It survived AND didn't give me a heart attack! Granted, I wasn't slamming it down- I was dropping it from about a 3 foot height. Could it withstand more? I bet it could, but I am not one of those people who tempt fate! I will say, I would trust it with my 14 month old, and I trust that it will survive a fall.

You also have the option to purchase a stand to go along with the case. Make the investment! It is sturdy and will really come in handy at restaurants. I also have it propped up in my kitchen so that I can easily see twitter my recipe while I cook!

(Not true to color, but I liked how it looked!)

This is the first iPad case I have tried, but I really like it! I love the material and the color, and I really trust that it will do its job. It will also grow with T- once he gets old enough to play with the apps, I won't freak out on him when he grabs it!

Now to the fun part- giveaway time! KEM Ventures, makers of the Big Grips iPad case, have agreed to send a case and stand package to one of my lucky readers! They are even going to let you pick out your color- pretty awesome! Please enter into the drawing via the Rafflecopter widget below and I will announce the winner next week!

Thanks for participating!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Big Grips sent me a case and stand to review and giveaway. I received no compensation and all the opinions expressed are mine and only mine.


  1. Thankfully mine are out of the keep happy stage, but I do have to keep the peace! Never gets easier, you just get better!!
